Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Shopping and the Chinese

Since it's Christmas break, I have been sleeping in a lot. Partly because I have not slept in since Thanksgiving break because of work, school, and church. I have to wake up at 6.40am every morning for school, on Saturday I have work at 9.00am and on Sunday I have to go to church at 9.00am. So this week I have been getting my well-deserved sleep.

Ok, enough of that, lets get to the point. So, I’m scheduled to work from 4.00pm to 9.00pm on Thursdays at my work. I usually get there around 5.15pm because I’m lazy and my work doesn't even notice anyway. They are so laid back there that they don't even know that I work there! Today I got there around 5.17pm and got on the phone. I wanted to go to the mall at 7.00pm so I texted all my friends that were girls because they are the best to hang out with. After texting about 15 girls, I had no luck. It was sad, I mean usually all the girls want to hang out with me, but tonight they were too scared to drive because of the major snowstorm that was going on. Finally, I went to my last resort, Robert. He is my good friend that works at my job but he was suspended for improperly placing someone on hold. Which was ridiculous because I hang up on customers on a daily basis.

So I texted Robert, and sure enough, he said he would take me to the mall. I was happy because I was already getting tired of working. But it was kind of fun because I was messing around taking Spanish calls and I don't even know Spanish. Anyway, Robert was there around 7.12pm, and I snuck out of my cubicle and went out to the SUV.

We arrived at the mall after doing doughnuts in the parking lot for a while. I had $100 in my pocket waiting to be spent. I told Robert and his friend that I would treat them for dinner as a Christmas present because they gave me a ride to the mall. I had a list of about ten people to get presents for and I began to aimlessly wonder in and out of stores trying to find presents for my friends. About 1.5 hours later, I was about 3/4 done with the list when I bumped into Aisha and Lea. I gave them a hug and asked them if they wanted to exchange gifts. They agreed and we departed. Another hour went by and I was finally done.

We went to the Food Court and ordered up some Chinese food. It was the nastiest crap I have ever eaten and I still feel sick from eating it. The nice oriental man offered us some free egg rolls. We took them and took one bite and spat it out. The only thing that was good at that place was the American beverages. Which leads me to another point.

I honestly believe that the Chinese are trying to kill off Americans. Why? You ask? Because haven’t you seen the news lately? They are putting lead paint all over our children’s toys! They even put GHB (drug commonly used for date-rape and can cause death) in one of the toys. And whenever I go to a Chinese Restaurant it tastes worse every time!

Ok, back to the story. After we ate, we went and did some more doughnuts in the parking lot and I got dropped off at my house. When my dad came home he checked my breath to see if I had been smoking. Then he made me gather up all of my receipts to make sure I didn't buy any weed with it. I was missing one receipt so he freaked out about that too. Then I wrote this blog and I’m done for the night. .

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